Sunday Service - “Enlightenment is Our Natural State"

Rev. TJ Woodward

With Rev. TJ Woodward


TJ Woodward is a renowned inspirational speaker, accomplished facilitator, bestselling author, and revolutionary recovery expert who has helped countless people through his simple, yet powerful teachings.

He is also the creator of The Conscious Recovery Method, which is a groundbreaking and effective approach to viewing and treating addiction.

Based on this reading from my book,

“Conscious Being: Awakening to Your True Nature”

It is the birthright of each and every one of us to live an awakened life.
Most religions and spiritual traditions teach us that we need to adopt a certain belief system or follow some prescribed steps
in order to attain astate of enlightenment.

A long-held belief about awakening is that only a small number of people, destined to become gurus or
spiritual teachers,can attain it.

It is certainly true that until recent times only a small minority of people on the planet had attained this state of full self-realization.

These saints, mystics, and spiritual masters were seen as “special.”
And, they certainly were, at the time.
However, times are changing.

We are now living in an era of rapid acceleration of the phenomenon of
spiritual awakening.

The truth is that awakening is absolutely
available to every single human being on the planet right here, right now.

Enlightenment is our most natural state.
When we strip away all the concepts and ideas we have learned over our lifetime about ourselves and how we view the world.

We start to uncover the simple truth.
We discover who we have always been pure consciousness.
Before the accumulation of ideas, we were pure awareness.We are still pure awareness.  This awareness simply witnesses life,as it unfolds, through and around us.

There is nothing we need to do,or believe,to become enlightened.
We simply remember who we essentially are.
We already are that which we seek.


10am pacific
In person and online on Facebook
6300 Telephone Rd
Ventura CA

The Ventura Seventh Day Adventists Chapel